Step by step build document to build your pedal easily!The Golden Hour is heavily "inspired" by the Vemuram Jan Ray, which is also very "inspired" by the Timmy. This PCB allows you to make a Golden Hour yourself! You will have to gather components yourself, but this is a very, very easy build!
Here is an example of a pedal I made with this circuit board You can find more pictures of pedals made by Coda Effects customers on the Coda Effects Facebook Page

It is a transparent overdrive, with 4 controls to modify the sound as you like: Gain, Volume, Bass and Trebles. The PCB is made for Hammond 1590B enclosures. It also sound close to Fender amps by some ways
High quality PCB:
- Gold-plated pads
- Double sided FR4-TG circuit boards
- Spaced pads for easier soldering

You can mod the pedal to change the amount of gain, trebles or add options for diodes clipping for instance.
8 Comment
This is a hell of a Overdrive pedal. One of my favorites! Easy to build and very good sounding! Thank you for this!
AnswerThank you for a speedy delivery. My build was live at the first try (after I remembered to put in the op amp). Sounds fantastic, better than expected. I added a mod switch with outboard diodes. Germanium ones make it sound more like a distortion.
AnswerPCB is an acronym for printed circuit board. It is a board that has lines and pads that connect various points together. In the picture above, there are traces that electrically connect the various connectors and components to each other. A PCB allows signals and power to be routed between physical devices.
AnswerIn the part list there is 4x1n4148 diodes specified. However, on the PCB there's specified places for 5 of them. I have ordered parts according to the parts list. Do I need to order one more diode or do I skip one of the designated places on the PCB?
It appears diodes one through four are for clipping and D5 appears to be hooked to nine volts=reverse polarity protection... I would venture to say populate D5 (otherwise you may not get power) and then D1 through 4 as you like. I imagine you've built it already but this might help someone else.
AnswerHi Benoit, that enclosure is very beautiful. Is it possible to buy these from you?
AnswerThanks -