Here is a list of the posts to learn how to build DIY guitar pedals and understand how they work.

DIY Guitar Pedals
- Full step by step tutorial: how to build your first DIY guitar pedal
- Debugging guitar effects
- Troubleshooting guitar effects: the audio probe
- Guitar effects reliability: 5 tips to make your effects longer lasting
- Enclosures art: how to make good looking DIY guitar pedals
- Why you should NOT paint enclosures yourself
- 3PDT and true bypass
- Ultimate wiring guide for beginners
- Eagle for designing guitar effects PCB: getting started (part 1/3)
- Tutorial: Ditto looper repair
- Modding the EHX Soul Food
- Modding the Behringer UV300 vibrato
- 14 good electronics suppliers for guitar effects
- What tools do you need to make guitar pedals?
- Hakko FX888D: a $100 high quality soldering station
- Cheap resistors
- Capacitors: which one to choose
- Resistors: which one to choose
- Create your own guitar pedal company: good or bad idea?
- 5 things that should prevent your from buying a guitar pedal, from a DIYer

All about cabbles
- All you ever wanted to know about guitar cables
- How to make guitar cables tutorial
- How to make patch guitar cables tutorial

- What is guitar signal?
- All you need to know about resistors in guitar effects
- Potentiometers and guitar pedals
- The different types of diodes
- Stabilization of the power supply, voltage inverter
- Ground loops: how to avoid them

Circuit Analysis
- Jan Ray (Timmy) Overdrive
- EHX Big Muff
- Sunface (Fuzz Face) Fuzz
- Rub A Dub Reverb
- Dead Astronaut Chasm Reverb
- JHS Superbolt / ROG Supreaux
- Klon Centaur
- Tonebender MkIII
- Coda Effects Montagne Tremolo
- Coda Effects Black Hole

Digital circuits

- The different types of Fuzz
- Gibson Maestro Fuzztone FZ1A (1966)
- Univox Super Fuzz - part 1/2 (1970)
- Colorsound Supa Tonebender (1975)
- Boss Digital Delay DD-2 (1984)
- ProCo RAT Whiteface (1985)
- Boss Hyper Fuzz FZ-2 (1993)
- Sovtek Big Muff Bubble Font (1995)